Dazeychains: Concept art #1

Just what the heck is 'Dazeychains' you might ask? The original word, daisychains, could be defined as either a cloud formation...a bunch of flowers tied together to form a circle....or that term used to describe the cable used to power up guitar pedals. But in this sense, the spelling was purposely changed from daisy to 'dazey', to reflect a state of bewilderment and bemusement. A nod is given to Led Zep's "Dazed and Confused" and a portion of one particular John Lennon's song. But mostly it is credited to that certain guitar pedal 9V power socket. I like the last version the best.....origin of a band name in it's simplest and purest form although it started out as a joke (1st thing I saw when I looked down at my array of pedals)....heheh!
Truthfully, we're just a bunch of bored office-stressed guys who got together to try out yours truly's material output (ehm..ehm....beginning to sound like a central figure in the like of Brian Wilson/Rivers Cuomo/McCartney kinda musician!). We did pretty okay for a part-time band who's lucky enough to hold a jam session once every 4 (or 6) weeks. Absolutely no plans to go mainstream or to be manipulated by corporate rock rulings, we're just happy to release (later) a demo/compilation of the nonsensical stuffs we've produced in the band's short incarnation. Honestly, I'm just happy to produce music and that's that....keeps the creative juice flowing some might say! And just for kicks, some bloke in the band even tinkered around with his photoshop software to come up with this simple yet nice CD sleeve art concept.

Now, I wonder if we'll ever get to the actual recording part? Hahah...

'Nuff said....
