My brief thoughts on Despicable Me: 2.....

Despicable Me minions

Caught this over the weekend with the family. My son loves them minions so much that he has now started to talk and giggle like them...hahah. I gotta admit, the movie was pretty darn good. Had a good laugh sitting through it. Well, it was partly because I knew that Steve Carell was the voice behind the main character, Gru. Let's face it...the man is funny. I loved him in The Office and many more of his movies. Anyway, back to Despicable' 2, I think the movie has a great sense of 'family' feeling to it. Gru has finally become that 'daddy' figure to to his three adopted daughters and even early on into the movie I had already sensed that a 'mommy' figure was about to enter the picture. Also heard from my buddies who have watched Monsters University (I haven't had the motivations to do so myself) that Despicable' 2 was a far better flick and is the clear winner over the two. I can't say much at this point of time....I gotta watch Monster U sometime soon to find out.

Others than that, it was all about them MINIONS! They were hilarious. I believe many of us went into the cinemas just to watch them yellow pill-shaped dudes rather than the main characters thelselves. Don't believe me? Just ask my son. In fact, he was over the moon when told that the minions are getting their own 'spin-off' movie soon! I strongly suggest watching this movie if you have the desire to have a good laugh.
